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Vikas Sharma on Prepping for a Travel Shoot

Show Notes

We’re back with another fantastic episode of Photosynthesis!

Today’s episode is all about travelling, as we get candid with Vikas Sharma, a travel and event photographer.

Vikas shares his journey into travel photography, uncovering what sparked his passion for documenting the beauty of any place. Know a few practical tips for planning, budgeting and packing the right equipment for a travel shoot.

Learn his ways for archiving a city, capturing its soul and culture through the lens and preserving its stories in every frame.

Dive into his experience of conducting photography workshops for a major mobile brand.

Listen to the full Podcast on Spotify

Check out Vikas’s stunning work on Instagram – Vikas Sharma

References mentioned in the podcast –
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Hello and welcome back to Photosynthesis, individual’s podcast where I, Vineet, talk about photography and videography with some of the best creators from across India. We discuss art, business, what got people there, how they’re going so far, what they’re planning for the future and how people who want to get into this should actually begin. Today we have with us Vikas Sharma who’s covering an area that we haven’t really gotten deep into before, travel and event photography. 

Hi Vikas, thanks for joining us. 

Vikas Sharma  

Hello, we need. 


So today we are going to talk about if someone wants to cover travel how should they go about it and from where should they start how to even plan because there are so many loose ends If I want to take the camera outside I need to think about which lens how many batteries etc When you are going to a different town then there are no complexities there is no backup you have to take everything together 

Vikas Sharma 

you should have all those with you. You should know that if you want to take this frame, you will need this lens. Or it depends on what you are going to cover. If you are going to a mountain range, you should have wide angle lenses so that you can cover the landscape well. If you are going to an event, you should focus on the prime lens so that you can take good portraits in the event. So basically, the first thing is that 

The first thing you need to know is budget. How can you travel on budget? As a traveler, you need to know your budget. The best option is to try to collaborate with a hostel or a stay. Because there are many hostels these days. And you normally find hostels everywhere. 

Vikas Sharma  

small or big dormitory, you can find them. So if you try to contact them on Instagram or over their mail to collaborate with you, you can also barter with them and provide them something. Like you can make a reel of their hostel or you can shoot it. You can mention them in the story to promote them. 

So this helps you in your budget. Okay? The second thing is, for example, if you are going to a traditional festival, you should know the best spot for the local to cover. Because when you reach there, you will… 

Vikas Sharma  

I felt like I would go to the temple, I would go up on the roof, I would give good shots, this will happen, that will happen. So when I went there and saw the crowd, I felt like how should I go up? So it was like… 

You should be able to contact the locals there. Because nowadays, on Instagram or something, you can normally find people, you can put up stories like, anyone over there, so that they can give you some knowledge and help you locally. And if you don’t have a local, then you can contact your friends or people who have been there before. You can tell them how to get there, what to keep and what not to keep. That’s what you should do. 


So these are two things. First is budget. Second is preparation. What all support is needed there basically. On ground support. And third is preparation before you go. So there are three things. So let’s start with budget. Now, first is… 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  



Would you do things differently if it is a paid shoot versus if you are just doing it for yourself?  


Basically, one is paid shoot for which you have to see rentals and all and another is for myself, you know, this is my time off I am going here for an event to focus on my photography So when you plan, do you see both separately or in different ways? No, I will have the same preparation 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

No, no, there are different preparations. Actually, if you are shooting a paid shoot for someone, they demand that they want that thing. So I have to do that accordingly. And one is that I am going for my own hobby. So from my perspective, how to make things useful for them is there. Like I have these lenses, I can take these shots. So that I don’t have to rent something. 

Or I don’t have to go out of the way. 


What all things come in the budget? So how do you start planning the… So one is the lenses obviously, if you have to rent, then… Equipment rental is done. Stay, which you are saying that it’s an interesting idea that by tying up with a hostel or a local hotel, at least it can be subsidized or stay barter. What else do you get? Travel planning for an event, what else comes in the budget that people can forget? 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

See you later. 

Vikas Sharma  

How will you reach there in terms of budget planning? Like, if you are writing from here, the best thing in India is to travel by train. If you want to go anywhere, you should travel by train. That is the most budget friendly thing. For example, if we take Mathura’s example. Do you know what happens in Mathura during Holi? Most of the creators are there. 

In Mathura, you get a lot of facilities in Delhi. So you should travel there. And you won’t get that there. You will get public transport only. So public transport is budget friendly for you. If you go there and rent a car, I am going to stay for 4 days, I will rent this. Then it won’t be budget friendly for you. 


Public transport is organized enough because you don’t have to worry about equipment. Because see, if I am going as a hobby, I have decided to take my camera and 50mm lens, that’s it. I will manage everything in that same constraint. But if there is a page, then there is no tension about security. Equipment. 

Vikas Sharma  

I’m out. 

Vikas Sharma 


Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

No, there are no security issues. But you have to be aware of it. Like you have to be aware of your equipment. Like if you are going to cover bullets, you have to cover your camera and lenses automatically. Because water is there. So that will also damage you. If you are flying drone… 

Vikas Sharma  

Basically, if you are trying drones, you have to keep a certain limit for it. Because if you take a little bit up, like for close-up shots, then people literally throw water there. They throw water on your equipment, they don’t think. They don’t know how much it will cost you later to repair it. But they throw it. They don’t know that. They see that the drone is flying, it’s okay. You have to tease it. 

Vikas Sharma  

So you have to be aware of how to use it. Like, nowadays, covers are good.  

Vikas Sharma  

So basically it is like, these days cameras have good covers in which you can cover it well and no water damage will happen to your equipment in which you can carry it well 


but the look of the lens is still. 

Vikas Sharma  

It has a zooming capability in your cover. It has a zooming capability that if you mount it on your foot, the focal length area in the middle, like the lens that is in-out, it gives the same zooming in and out capacity in the cover. 


and it doesn’t get muddy because I have this problem with filters like in cheap UV filters, the picture gets muddy that is not a problem, the covers are capable of making the picture clear in front of the lens 

Vikas Sharma  

The lens is covered with a lens filter. It doesn’t have a cover. So the normal lens filter is a little different. But it’s not that much that you can get content from it. That’s it. 


And one thing is that I don’t like the Amazon basic UV filters but some high quality filters are good. 

Vikas Sharma  

No, no. High quality. Actually, it depends. If you want quality content, you will have to work on the quality of your equipment. 


So, do you have any recommendations for any cases, covers etc. which you are very happy with something that you can recommend. 

Vikas Sharma  

No, AstroTiki doesn’t have any particular brand. I actually buy from the local market. So there is no such brand. The quality of the product is that you will know when you see it. It shouldn’t be too hard. When you zoom in and zoom out, you shouldn’t have any problem. Because if you waste time in that problem, you will miss the moment or the train. So there is no science to this. I like… Go ahead. 


So here, when people go on the holy page, I want to ask now one question from the business side of things. Do these creators and clients come here as a hobby or do they come here to work for paid business clients? What have you seen? And your experience? 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

Both ways. Basically, we used to go for hobbies only for a few years. As things started getting famous on Instagram, there are some big websites, I can’t name them, they hire their own people and send them paid content for their websites. 


So, but more like news websites or what kind of websites are these? 

Vikas Sharma  

Travel websites or news are gone. 


Hmm. Okay. So, in the budget, let’s say, you are going to set aside Holi and cover a travel event in a different city. What should you consider in the budget? 

Vikas Sharma 

Thank you. 

Vikas Sharma  

First of all, the subject was equipment. Okay? 


Yeah, equipment will stay. Here we go. 

Vikas Sharma  

This is done. You can only do this. Apart from this, in the budget, only equipment and food is available. No one else has it in the budget. 


Do you take insurance for your equipment? 

Vikas Sharma  

Hello. I haven’t. 


We are trying to figure that out but it is a little challenging. 

Vikas Sharma  

It’s very challenging. Actually, there are no good options available. Like, we should buy something that is beneficial for us. Or if it’s mandatory, then we should buy it. Because 99% of equipment is not insured. 


We are trying to get something developed which is affordable for photographers But it is challenging because companies are not geared to it They are like sir why don’t you buy life insurance? I want to save my camera, it costs 2 lakhs 

Vikas Sharma 

challenging that. 

Vikas Sharma  

It’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of work to start your journey and to collect equipment. First of all, you had everything available. You had a small thing available and then you did everything with that small thing. That provides more value. That’s why you need to have that insurance. 


And this is also a little lopsided that you might be doing a 30-40 thousand rupees shoot, one day shoot or even a half day shoot but you are using equipment worth 3 lakh rupees. So this responsibility, we are trying to sort this problem out. Hopefully by the time this live it will be solved. 

Vikas Sharma 


Vikas Sharma  

I please let me know when you are talking. 


Challenge aare abhi maza aare lekin. 

Vikas Sharma  

Yes, yes, it was fun in the challenge. 


So the second one is done, now… So first of all, this is the budget. Second is planning your equipment. What all do you plan for, let’s say when you are going on a paid shoot? Right. What all elements does one need to plan for? 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  



Lenses, camera, so of course are the audience one. Lighting. 

Vikas Sharma 

light, lighting, lenses, cameras and team. Team is like team coordination like the main thing is that you have a team that helps you in coordination. So you can take good shots. If you are going for a paid shoot, in which the assistant should know that you are going for a shoot and if you need a lens in between. 

So it should be available to you how to exchange the lens. Because there is a particular way. It’s not like, oh my lens is giving me and I’m taking time to put it on. All this. And the second thing is proper time for shoot. Like you have to know when to shoot. Like you should know that I can take this frame during sunset or this frame during sunrise. Or this time the light will be good. So that I get shots in natural light. 

Vikas Sharma  

It’s not like I went out and got harsh light and took out any shots and I’m sitting there because of post processing. That I will take out in post processing. So that thing had to be done. Everything had to be managed. Like time, team, equipment, lights. 


So this actually brings me to a more philosophical question. That… A lot of photography, which I am learning as well, as I am watching the shoots, I mean, there is the creative part, but there is also a lot of discipline and efficiency and admin part. There is a lot of planning. It’s not just… It’s not just the creative side of things, that I have to go and create an amazing shot, composition, lighting, is that… 

Vikas Sharma  

Planning was a real. 


organizing so many things and keeping track of so many things. So, A, what is your background? What got you interested into photography and especially event and travel photography? What got you there? Actually, I will come later. This is also a long question. Let’s do this first. 

Vikas Sharma 



What got you interested and what made you think that you are interested in photography? So I want to do travel and event photography. 

Vikas Sharma  

Basically, my journey has been from different genres. I started with wildlife. I really liked wildlife. So eventually, in Jaipur, like I belong to Jaipur, I used to go there to take shots. Then I took a lens for telephoto. It was sufficient for wildlife because at that time, there were drop sensor cameras. 


Like that type or that small 70 to 300? 

Vikas Sharma 

No, no, 5200 was my first one. Basically DSLR was good at that time. DSLR was hyped. Canon had 700D, Nikon had D5200. So both were hyped. 


Oh yeah, I had brought it. Yes, it was a very good camera. Loved it. 

Vikas Sharma  

Yes, I still have that camera. I still use it. I used it in 2015 and it still works. So I started with wildlife and started photographing in Jaipur. I started photographing different groups. I thought of meeting them. It’s not necessary because wildlife people didn’t come there. They lived in different groups. 

I met them, I started taking photos with them, exploring the streets. Then slowly, when I started to travel, I started to travel. When I started to travel, that experience was out of the world. You are experiencing different things, you are seeing different cultures, you are seeing different things. And you are exploring yourself, it’s not like someone is helping you out. 

You are going to that place, seeing that place, living there, knowing that place. You are knowing about the people there. How they are, how you are going to that place, how you want to be part of the culture there. How you can live there, what the wives are, many things matter. I went to Banaras. So in Banaras, I thought from here that money-making card. I had heard a lot about money-making card. You must have heard it too. You must have seen its visual. 

So I thought that I will go there and do this, that, take this shot, that shot. So when I reached there the first day, I was blank. That actually someone is bringing dead body or dead body. And I am taking a photo of that place. How? It was not normal for me. But it was normal for the people there. 


I can’t take people’s photos. I’ll go and take pictures of buildings, dogs and cats, but I can’t take people’s photos. 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma 

I won’t be able to take these photos of people and eventually in front of their family. That won’t be possible. So, I thought, yes, I’ll take these shots from all the expectations I had. Because, wherever you do research, you see that, here, this is also okay, you make a frame of that in your mind. I can take such shots here. I can do this here. I can plan this here. Or I can take these shots at this time. So, I thought about that. So, I was sitting blank for a whole day there. 

Here, the whole thing is being covered. Maybe around 150-200 dead bodies come here. So I was sitting in between them and thinking how to take photos here. Because I was blind. So… 


And you organized the photo tour or you went yourself? 

Vikas Sharma 

As a solo developer. 


solo traveler. Yeah, like how did you overcome this? Did you overcome this problem? 

Vikas Sharma  

Actually, the thing is that I was sitting there all day. I didn’t do anything. I was sitting there at night because it was a choice. It’s not like you don’t do it at night. I noticed that the people there are not like that. They are ashamed of their own mentality. There were others who were saying… 


I mean, sitting there in between, how to do it, what to do. 

Vikas Sharma  

So for the people there, it’s normal. You have to do it yourself to cover it. So I sat there the next day, then I sat on the 80th floor for a while. I calmed myself down. I walked from there and came there. And that day, I… Still, I did this that the next day, I was hesitating a little. Then slowly, when the shots started coming, I tried to click a little from a distance so that people don’t see it. So that I don’t look awkward. 

So I’m taking photos from far away from telephoto lens so that people can’t see me. So basically my whole trip was on Manikarnika. It was a 3 day trip. I thought I’ll cover Manikarnika one day, I’ll cover the out city one day and the rest of the day will be cut. But I covered the 3 days on Manikarnika. But the 3rd day, I took shots, I saw the T.J. I saw his rituals and I was normal on the 3rd day. And I thought that whenever I come here next time, 

So this time I have to prepare this in my mind. I can see more scary visuals here. The visuals here are like… Like a father bringing his daughter, someone bringing his family members, and then out of the way, you click their photos in front of them, so they are a little different for themselves. But this was because I had adapted that thing for the third day and over-commended it. 

You ready, man? 


and nobody cared. 

Vikas Sharma 

Nobody cares. It’s normal there. It’s not normal for us, but it’s normal for them. People come there and say, it’s not like I came for them. They didn’t come for me. 


How did you evolve after that? Because even in travel, photographers go to a new city. Some people take photos of the people there. Some people take photos of the hospitality, restaurants, cafes. Some people take photos of the streets, things. Some people take photos of the cities, finding the tallest point of the city, like going to the temple and seeing the whole area. How did you evolve? 

Vikas Sharma  

I’ll let you know when it’s good. 

Vikas Sharma  

My evolution was that I was more concerned about the culture and traditions. That’s why I became a customer. And I don’t have a place where I’m more hyped. I have a place where I’m under-hyped. I have a good culture but not a lot of people. I’m under-hyped. I prefer places where people know more about me. Like I… 

Vikas Sharma  

If you want to go to HIST or HOMETAGE, then you can go to LONDAG. I went to SABODARA. And this is your name. This is SABODARA, on the border of Gujarat and Maharashtra. If you are standing here, then this is Gujarat. If you walk a little, then you will reach Maharashtra. 


Giga Pe! 


a chart. 

Vikas Sharma  

And my experience there was literally so good that I was sitting in a ropeway and the ropeway was moving between the clouds. Literally clouds were crossing the ropeway and the ropeway was stopped for adjustment. So the wind was moving the ropeway like this. And the best thing is that you can see and hear the ropeway. So what an experience it was. 

Literally, the shots I took from my GoPro were my best. That was my first solo trip to the Sampatara. It was my best trip. 


This hidden gems Instagram reel scene is a little good and problematic because everyone is looking for hidden gems in Goa They are not sitting in a cafe I will show you why I am sitting alone This is my hidden gem 

Vikas Sharma  

So basically what happens is that we have made a statue of Ravan, a statue of his brother, a statue of the Sun God, and we have closed it with the help of Ramji or whatever Ram Deja. But there is another place called Almora. You can tell me the name of Almora. In Almora, whatever else is there, they have a different creation for them. For Dushyar. There, along with Ravan, there are the Tuls. 

Vikas Sharma  

I asked him about it and he said that the page of Dushyara is different and you won’t get to see the Instagram or Twitter and the Dushyara program there starts from 1980 it’s not like we are talking about the 90s it starts from 1980 and Dushyara is the same so let’s say that the culture is that they are so good at making you want to document something 

Vikas Sharma  

I have a few things to tell you about culture. I know about it. I know that you are a superman. You are like a coconut cut. You are a big dog. Not like a small dog. Like a big dog. There are many more things that we don’t know. That we can explore. And I have a plan. I have a holiday from office. I am going to keep the Zashara. 



Vikas Sharma 

which are interesting. So, Algora is like the… Aldoani is somewhere around. Aldoani is a little bit above. So, this time my plan is to go there, document Dasha, go there and explore Dasha. That is different. And that too, that which no one has seen yet, and you will be able to see that all over. 


So you have used a very interesting word, document. Because I think that when we started from the stock footage side, we had an idea that we have to document India in a way. By collecting stock clips of across India. So in your head, what is documentation of a particular event or city? What should be there in this? From a photo, video, reel, what, like how do you look at it? You are more interested in photography than videography, I presume. 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

Thank you. 


and different skill sets, different preparation, different thinking for a photographer vs videographer right, how do you look at documenting a particular event what are the elements in it? 

Vikas Sharma 

Basically, if I have to say a single thing in a documentary, it will be that you have to do such shots or such moments in which you justify without caption what you want to say in the video. 

Vikas Sharma  

Basically, the documentation is like you have to show the photos or videos of what is going on there. Or what you are doing there. Or if there is an event, you have to highlight it. This is the highlight.  


But what is the planning in this? How much pre-planning is there and how much is there to figure out? How much can you plan? How much is it possible to even plan in advance? Like I am documenting Dishara in Almuda and I need these shots. And how much does it change there? 

Vikas Sharma 

Basically, expectations and reality are different. 


But expect to see how it will be set and do you just think that I will go there and see? 

Vikas Sharma  

No, I don’t do that. I just watch a little bit. I don’t sit at home and think, wow, what’s going on there. Sometimes, if you don’t watch, you feel like you don’t have any experience. How will you do it? Or you don’t have anything to do. So, there’s nothing like that. I just watch a little bit and respect. I try to tell you first that if you get a local, guide me. That this is the only way for you to do it. 

Vikas Sharma  

Here, the best is because there is no such thing that it happens in one place. You also feel like it is happening here, so which is the best? And which is the best for you? This is what happens because the documentation is like great details that you have to give in 360 view. You have to give 360 views in your photos in any place. Because what was going on there, you have documented it in a photo. Or highlighted it. So for those things, you really know the most. 



Vikas Sharma  

The main event is going to be in Ruby. For the main event in Ruby, you have to be very careful that you get the best place to capture it. You have to be very careful that you put your equipment in danger. Or anything. 

Vikas Sharma  

That’s all. 

Vikas Sharma  



Do you also then end up thinking that yes I want to make this video easily? Otherwise Instagram won’t promote it. I will have to make some videos. Or these 50 amazing photos have come out. What do you do with them? Back to you. 

Vikas Sharma  

Even today, if you give me your profile, I give priority to photos. I give priority to the real. But if you look at the ratio, it’s 40 to 60. But I… I’m putting up the real price because I think engagement is important. If you don’t have engagement, who will you show the photos to? 


That’s quite amazing. 

Vikas Sharma  

I took photos and put them in the video. But they don’t get engaged. It depends on the work. I worked so hard because sometimes you see errors in the video. I don’t do that. 




And it’s… ..the same five… ..the five music pieces that we have to catch today. Around that… ..we have to… 

Vikas Sharma  

I like to keep things relevant. It’s not like this is standing music and I have to do that on this. I don’t have any relevance on this. I put the photos of the festival on this music so that it doesn’t fall on it. So that’s not it. I make it a little different. If I’m making a special video, then it should be a special music. 


Hmm. Cut. 

Vikas Sharma  

Standing for music, I’ll be like you for a while. 


Yes, because I put a mark on it too because it’s working. 


Yeah, Instagram. I think I’ve talked to a lot of photographers who think this is a photo platform. I’m a photographer. Why are you making videos from me? That too trending type, that too vertical. All my photos are horizontal. The platform is vertical. I bought such an amazing panorama, I mean, I clicked 14 photos. People have told me that the panorama of 14 photos is so amazing. 

Vikas Sharma  

Thank you. 

Vikas Sharma  

Very good. 


It’s not timey because it’s horizontal and extremely horizontal. 

Vikas Sharma  

But basically, it should be that you are changing it with time and trying to make it bigger. But the point is that you forget your creativity and just go with the flow. Thank you. 


Any other platforms you use to share your work? Is it on Instagram? Like Flickr? Only Instagram. Because all the people are there actually. 

Vikas Sharma  

Basically, the community is there, like, community can be contacted. 


Facebook is also dead, it seems. 

Vikas Sharma  

I don’t know how I logged in. 


I logged in yesterday after 6 months and on my feed it’s all follow I can’t see my own feed, I have 700 or so friends I can’t see anything all these random feeds are full of people follow and I can’t turn off the relations I ran away from there I said leave it 

Vikas Sharma  

If you don’t understand the language, you can’t even speak English. 


I ran away in fear. 

Vikas Sharma  

I have connected my Instagram to Facebook. So whatever I post on Instagram, Facebook automatically gets posted. So if you see the post, I am there. This is posted there. There are only 5 likes on engagement. 


Hmm, any news from them? 

Vikas Sharma  

Ha ha. 


And half and half five, same five people. 

Vikas Sharma  

Use the two things, you won’t get the same result. 

Vikas Sharma 


Vikas Sharma 

I was going to add two things to this. Okay. 


Yes, of course. I will edit the ending. Continue. 

Vikas Sharma  

like Mataan, Mooli, everyone. 


Masan, yeah? 

Vikas Sharma  

I like my experience in taking workshops. I mean, I have taken workshops for people. I have established workshops for people. So, that’s it. 


So you take the workshops. Basically. Oh amazing. And… What Holi? Masaan. 

Vikas Sharma  

Thank you. 

Vikas Sharma  

Mabar Moli. Like, in the Varanasi, there is a Moli. In which the dead are buried. The dead are buried in the cemetery. The Moli is the same as the dead. 


What are you saying?  


You go. 

Vikas Sharma  

Thank you. 


Yes, done. So Vikas, tell me something else. You have been doing workshops. Right. What kind of workshops are there? What kind of audience do you have? And what is your experience been? How did you get into this? 

Vikas Sharma 

Thank you. 

Vikas Sharma 

Basically, after Covid, I received an email from Vigo. They asked me to join them as a Vigo Graffer. It was a good opportunity for me. I agreed to it without thinking. I didn’t know what to do. 


It should be like this. 

Vikas Sharma  

What is your name? I am Abhishek. I am a photographer. Basically, I had a lot of opportunities. That Vivo is a huge brand. So I was looking at it. I didn’t know what to do with it. I thought that people would be able to click photos with me on every device and I would be able to promote it. Then when I talked to them, they told me 

that you have to take workshops, photography workshops. That too, wherever you are. At that time, I was coming up with a series which was basically a photography based series. So, I was appointed to that. I got contacted by them. Then, when I had my first workshop, I realized that how to do it. I had no experience before that. It was my first time when I was going to speak in front of a camera. 

In that workshop, the customers had a tag team who could use the camera features of their devices. There were many camera functions like macro, wide, telephoto, etc. But you didn’t know how to use it. 

Vikas Sharma  

You can use it like this. And you can use these workshops on my phone. These are the features. These are the things. There is a camera, a van, a dish, a rest, and a promotion. And also, the devices that they provided me with, they provided content for the promotions. So I took a lot of time to use these workshops. And now, there is no mobile for their photography. So… 

When he comes, I will change my mind. 


But instead of otherwise doing independent workshops, because I can’t add anything on Instagram. Many Indian photographers are doing workshops, recording sessions. That’s up to you. 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

I have not done anything yet. I have done workshops, photo files, and I have not done anything yet. I have done workshops, photo files, and I have not done anything yet. 



Vikas Sharma 

They don’t know how to present it. Can you show us an example of how you can take such photos? 


Well that’s very interesting because I think camera photography has improved to a great extent. Of course sensor size is still obviously a massive limitation. The depth of the sensor itself because phones are getting thinner. That is a limitation but processing wise I keep thinking why doesn’t the camera processing improve? Instant HDR processing which is so amazing in phones, why doesn’t it happen in cameras? 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  

Because cameras are not useful because cameras are like, they are used for particular purpose. Camera. They are only taking photos, they are only taking photos, making videos. Mobile is multi-use. So they can take pictures, they can keep updating them.  



Vikas Sharma 

I will add the effect only. 

Vikas Sharma 

Basically, you can do photography with a good mobile phone but professionally, the camera will give you better results. 


I didn’t. 

Vikas Sharma  

No, the support is basically how good the camera is. And the professional qualities can only be seen by the camera. 


Now I have a sensor size, processing power on one side, if you want absolute quality click on the good photo, put the amazing photo on Instagram, phone is also actually quite good. 

Vikas Sharma  

Yeah, sorry for the power. 

Vikas Sharma  

Phone is good for beginners like if you are into photography, it was already there that your camera should be for photography. But now that doesn’t happen. You can start it from your basic mobile, you can retest it in your live stream or in someone else and make a post for Instagram. There is no such issue. But if you go professional or if you go to weddings, you can’t use your mobile in weddings. 

Vikas Sharma  

or if there is an event, you can’t use your phone to take wedding photos that professionalism will come from the camera 


My biggest problem with my phone camera is that it is on the table and in my pocket. First I take out the camera and then I clean it. Always with the camera, which is my biggest problem. Obviously, I won’t have that problem with the camera because I will always cover the lens. 

Vikas Sharma  

We keep the camera on precaution, it’s completely safe. Okay, your turn. 


Thank you. I think let’s wrap up there. This has been a fantastic discussion, especially beginners or anyone looking to get into event photography and travel photography. Thanks because these were some very amazing, very practical tips on how to look at going for shooting an event. So thanks for joining us. 

Vikas Sharma  

Thank you so much. 

Vikas Sharma 

Thank you so much. It’s a great session. 


Yeah and thanks for tuning in. Yes thanks everyone for tuning in. Bye bye see you next week. 

Vikas Sharma  


Vikas Sharma  



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