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Kriti P Sharma on Hand Modelling as a Career Option

Show Notes

“In this episode of Photosynthesis, we talked with Kriti Sharma, a hand model and founder of the slow fashion brand, Mushio. She noticed how well-groomed hands can enhance product photos and videos, leading her to focus on this niche. Since then, she has worked with brands like Basil Lunchboxes, Vivid Nature, Campure, Herbal Mitra, Earthful, and Nanas Probiotic Drink.

Kriti shared how she got into hand modelling and the importance of caring for her hands. Kriti’s hand modelling journey began in 2021-2022 while creating content for her fashion brand, where she showcased her well-groomed hands in promotional videos. Her first-hand modelling shoot happened by playing around with fabrics and accessories, which led to brands reaching out to her and the dedicated launch of her hand modelling profile.

She also talked about the challenges of marketing herself on social media and the skills needed for hand modelling, like stability and creativity. She also offered valuable advice for clients seeking a hand model.

Finally, we also explored the future of hand modelling, discussing potential opportunities across various industries, including makeup, skincare, jewellery, and more.

A huge thank you to Kriti P Sharma for sharing her insights. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review. Until then, keep capturing those moments that tell a thousand stories.

Listen to the full Podcast on Spotify

Check out Kriti P Sharma’s Works on Instagram – handmodel.kps

References Mentioned in the Podcast


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Hello and welcome back to Photosynthesis, indiviesuals podcast, videocast, whatever you call it, where we get to talk to some of the most creative people in India across photography, videography and the entire video production space, which means I get to talk to some really, really cool niche type industries such as today where we have a hand model for the first time. 

Kriti Sharma is a professional who’s been basically, who’s done hand modeling for a bunch of categories, including probiotic drinks, including nature products, plant proteins, and a bunch more. And we’ll just get into the conversation and explore more about how this industry actually came about and how Kriti landed here. Hi Kriti, welcome to the show. 


Hi, hi. Thank you, thank you for having me here. 


Very, very glad to have you on the podcast. Hand modeling. How does one get into hand modeling? 


So I guess it’s something that I’ve been always fond of since my school days. Just taking care of my hands, keeping them moisturized and away from cuts and different sorts of marks and any sort of disturbances on the hand. Just keeping them pretty and neat always. And this is actually back into 2001. 

Around 2021 -2022 that’s when I started taking care of my nails and hands which is back in school and off lately for the last like almost 3 years that’s when I launched my small business slow fashion brand Mushyo along with my sister and we used to make little content you know small reel videos and small video bites for our promotional videos. 

So I would just play around with the dresses, the tassels on the dresses, buttons and different other fabrics and things. And that’s how it came in being and that’s how my first, I would say, hand modeling shoot happened. And post that, I believe that, you know, brands started reaching out and I also dedicatedly launched my own profile for hand modeling, specific to my hand modeling. 

poses and whatever work that I do. And that’s just how it began. 


How did you start getting work? So one is of course your own product. Right. So then when you say you launched a profile, one is of course a new Instagram page, starting with featuring your own, the clips that you shot for your own brand. How did you go about getting work for the first time? 


Yeah, true. 



So you know what started like just a passion kind of a thing and I just started posting things on Instagram without really realizing that that could be a career option and I was reached out by different brands on Instagram asking for a hand model you know if I would be interested to do a model shoot for them and 

I think that’s about it, that’s how I began and I did a shoot for Basil Lunchboxes. It’s a lunchbox brand based in Bangalore. And that’s how it began and I started doing brand collaborations in terms of full day shoots. Other than that, there were brands and there were products that were coming in and I would just shoot their videos and I would send them across. So that’s how work began for me. 

So I think I would say thanks to Instagram. Yeah. 


And so. 

That’s quite amazing actually because yeah, like as we were discussing in the morning today, it seems like a lot of creative careers were launched during the lockdown because people had time to themselves to get into their own heads. There was even between the first lockdown and the second lockdown, there was a period where people just weren’t venturing outside. You had not time to explore. How was your experience? Is that when you really started? Is that when you decided it? 


Mm -hmm. 


Yes, true. 


that I need to launch my brand, I need to do this. 


Actually, after Covid is when Mushio happened, my slow fashion business and after that is something that I, you know, just when I was working for their social media content and other website content and that’s just how it started. So I will not really say it’s just around Covid but a little after that. 


And would you say that when you launch so… Firstly, tell me about your slow fashion brand. 


Okay so Mushu is a slow fashion brand based in Gurgaon and we basically get fabrics from the weavers and we work on different fabrics. We try to make it as sustainable as possible. We don’t really go about by saying that it’s a sustainable brand but we try to limit it and we are more like a made to order sorts of brand. We don’t really keep a lot of inventory ready. 

And my sister, Muskaan, she’s the founder as well as the designer for the brand. And yeah, pretty much I except the designing bit. I took care of everything when it comes from marketing, social media, connecting with the platforms, getting it on board. So now we’re selling it on like, you know, 15 plus platforms, including Ogan Market, which is now Kari Market, Jaipur, Naikafashion, Tata Click. 

So you name it and we’re there. 


And there’s a lot of work, right? So this is a discussion I’ve had with a lot of creators that it’s not just about creative expertise in one area. There is this whole social media marketing yourself has sort of become a really big element. And as we’ve gone from photography to reels, the amount of work involved in just marketing yourself from a creative perspective has grown a lot. So it’s a bit of a double -edged sword that Instagram gives you a lot of business, but it also demands a lot. What’s your experience been there? 


Mm -hmm. 


yes, I think Instagram demands a lot of time. As you rightly said that we’ve shifted from a photo centric platform to a now reel and a video centric platform. So, you know that 10 second video that you need for Instagram, it actually goes on for like 3 to 4 hours of hard work and getting the things together, planning the shoot and doing it and then… 

Within 10 seconds your shoot is like the video is up and it’s all luck and algorithm that it might work, it might fail. So yeah, I think it demands a lot of time. It demands a lot of planning, I would say. And being a social media person, so I started my journey as a social media analyst and you know, I come from a background where I have my degrees in social media and digital marketing. So I believe I understand. 

the platforms well and I also understand the demand and you know the kind of time that they ask for it and the investment that you need to you know really go into the platform plan your calendar well plan your things well and then also try to you know fit in the whatever is trending at that time. Yeah. 


Yeah, like, so as a hand model, you’re not just a hand model, you’re also you’re telling stories, you are editing, you are understanding, staying on top of social media trends, multiple jobs rolled into one. Did that come easy to you? 


I will. 


Mm -hmm. 


I guess I can say it’s easy and difficult at the same time. Why easy? Because I love maintaining my hands. I love taking care of them. I always do a full routine applying serum, applying moisturizers, keeping them neat and clean. But when it comes to social media or the marketing side of it, I think the biggest struggle that I’m facing right now is that people are not really aware of the industry. 

as hand model as an industry. People believe that you know they also end up questioning as to why do you charge so much you’re just a hand model you know you’re not showing your face so I think that is where you come in that you know you put in a lot of effort maintaining your hands maintaining and 

I think it’s not just product photography. It’s a personal touch that I add to a product the moment I add in my hands in the picture. So, you know, maybe if I tell you like this hand cream, okay, I have this hand cream always handy with my, you know, my system and everything here. So if I’m putting this hand cream right across as a product picture, it might not really… 


go well with the audience in terms of personal touch. But the moment I open this, I apply a little bit of it on my hands and I show how it works. I think that adds a personal angle. So yeah, I think that personal touch to any brand product, photography or videography, I think that is what is the need and I think it will start growing soon. 


Yeah, so for us, for me it was interesting. So I’m not traditionally from a video production background. I am more of the ops in the process guy. So last year when we started doing bigger shoots, especially for consumer appliances, it was funny that the clients were like, no, we need a hand model. This one we don’t, this one we do. I’m like, okay, they’re very specific. This is something that I’d never really known is a such a specialized career. I thought, okay, there are models and there are product shoots. 

But yeah, it seems like hand modeling is actually a bigger field in consumer appliances than actual modeling shoots, it seems like. 


true. I think also to add to it I would also say that you know hand modeling is not limited to just neat pretty clean hands. It demands a lot of strength in your hand and your arms and your fingers if I have to be precise because you have to keep that product stable in one position until your photographer gets the right shot. So you know to have that kind of… 

strength it’s important that you work around you have your work exercises around your hand, wrist strengthening you know and working around your fingers maintaining them all of that also is a lot of work where heaviest is the steel lunchboxes so in that steel lunchbox video I actually had to flip it and also hold it back 


What’s the heaviest product you’ve ever shot? 


So it was really heavy. It’s an army grade steel that they use. And I think it was fun because it’s a new experience. Every day is a new experience on shoot. So yeah. 


And how do you look at growth? How do you look at becoming a better hand model, a bigger hand model? Like one is of course getting more clients maybe from newer fields, but also as a hand model, how do you differentiate yourself from other hand models? How do you want to become a better hand model? 


Mm -hmm. 


So, in terms of growth, I would say that it’s important that you connect with the right people. And when I say the right people, I mean photographers, agencies, videographers, and to a certain extent, maybe also clients directly if possible. Because what happens is that you can’t work in solo. I have my Instagram profile, I put on stuff on that. But… 

I believe that the moment I tie up with an agency or I grow my network and I have photographers on board and videographers on board, that is when referrals come in, that is when regular work starts coming in. Because other than that, it’s just like a side business sort. It’s not something that I can say that it’s my full time career and it’s enough to help me run my kitchen. But I believe… 

networking will help and yeah I also I intend to work on a you know on content series sorts for my Instagram where I want to talk about the industry in terms of what exactly does the hand model do how are we supposed to reach out to clients what all and where is where you know where where do we come in picture. 

and how can we add that personal touch to any product video. So that is something that I’m working on. So maybe that might help educate the clients as well as prospective hand models and other models as well who might want to venture into hand modeling. 


And let’s say I am a client. I’ve never worked with a hand model before, but now I have a series of products that have launched and I don’t want to go to an agency. I directly want to find a hand model. How would I differentiate from one hand model to the next? Like what am I looking for? 


Mm -hmm. 




I think stability is something that you would want. And first of all, maybe of course looks is something that ends up getting your number. Neat and clean nails, not very shabby or the hands should avoid any tattoos or any cuts. It should match your brand. And other than that, I believe stability. That you know, maybe go through the portfolio. 

what all products the hand model has done, can do, what is the hand model creative enough. Because sometimes what happens is that when you are on a shoot and you have say maybe a cup or a mug or any kitchen item that is something which you usually see so you might end up coming with examples or ideas on how to do it. But say you are working around a fan. 

Now that is something that a table fan or something you don’t really model with on a regular basis or something that you come across. So just to have an idea of how you can show that hand without you know that product without making it feel that your hand is just an additional factor in the picture. 


Yeah, you don’t want it to stand out. You don’t want, you actually don’t want anyone to think about the hands, right? You don’t want anyone watching the video to be thinking about the hands. 


Yeah, it should look very natural. 

True, true, true. So I think it should all come out very natural. That you know, I’m just like maybe switching on the fan and it turns around and just showing the features it has and or any other product for that matter. So yeah, I think these are two qualities any client can look at. 


And what are some things that surprised you once you got in the industry? this I’d never thought of. 


I think set designing, if that is something I can say. That set designing in terms of, you know, I work with a lot of small business and newcomers in the, you know, entrepreneurs, you can say. So when it comes to sets, sometimes the client is not really sure of how they want to present their product. So, 

You know, if you just go stand there that you know, whatever they’ll tell me, I’ll just do that and I’ll walk out. Then you’re losing out on opportunities to work further with the client as well as you lose out on your time and effort. Because if you’re just sitting there on a set and you feel like, okay, you know, whenever they call, that’s when you just go and do something. Then you’re losing out. So set designing in terms of if they’re arranging a flat layer, 

or something you can just help out with that what colors are working better look at angles suggest angles that is something that you know on the job is something that i have now it’s become like a part of it now so i don’t just offer hand modeling as a service but i also help design a set better for you so 


That’s an interesting one. But also like you were discussing, parts modeling. So basically one is hand modeling of course, when you’re showing other. But people wanting, like you had mentioned, jewelry, right? Maybe ears. Like maybe a footwear brand wanting feet, like advertising open toe sandals or something. Are there specialized people for that or do the same people end up doing multiple? 


Mm -hmm. 


Mm -hmm. Yes. 


Mm -hmm. 


Well, I believe when it comes to jewellery, I think a model can also come in picture because a model is used to the close -up shots and everything. But where a part of model work comes in is that you have to maintain your feet also in that way. You have to maintain your body also in a certain manner. 

So that’s why not just manicures but maybe pedicures is also something you invest into. You take care of your feet on a daily basis because imagine you have like a you know open toe sandal or open slipper. So you can’t show feet which have like cuts or you know which have different marks unless that’s something that goes with your brand of course. But other than that you would prefer that somebody has like you know 

doesn’t have crack heels, has neat toenails, neatly done nail paint, something that goes with theme. So yeah. 


And you actually, do you ever model for, like, so let’s say if you’re modeling for a hand cream, there are also before and after scenario where somebody else has brought in as the before. Like maybe my hands can be the before and yours can be the after. Does that also happen? 




I think that can happen and that’s an interesting take but I haven’t really done that till now and yeah that’s interesting I’ve done our hand and foot cream there are a lot of men in the industry who are coming in you should yeah yeah there are a lot of men especially for your watches and watches men jewelry is coming in now 


and maybe I could build a career as a beforehand model. 


I’m Seanan. 


So a lot of men are coming in. So I guess you can give it a try. Just maintain your hands. Don’t touch. 


No, then I don’t have to read, I’ll read it before, like the comparison, after it can be done by the professionals. And also, like what’s the industry looking like? Which parts of the industry are attracting you that, okay, here’s where the growth is? I’m guessing consumer appliance is a big one, right? But where are things heading? So D2C is growing bigger and bigger, but D2C is also a huge spectrum. Where are things heading as for you? 







See, I believe any product, any product which is, you know, something which is, of course, when I say consumer appliances, it also means something which is easy for you to showcase in your hands. Like maybe I might not be able to show an entire AC unit, but maybe the remote and the functioning of the AC, something like that. So I believe any product has the opportunity. 

for a hand model to be a part of it. And industry wise, I feel makeup, skincare and jewellery, these are three industries where you’ll see a lot of hand modeling opportunities coming up. But I guess it’s not just limited there. And no, we shouldn’t limit it to just these three industries. Because honestly, when this lunchbox brand reached out to me, 

I was curious to understand how I would be a part of a lunchbox ad. So, you know, that’s when it clicked that, you know, I can, I mean, and even brands like maybe say Crosswords, you know, you could just go have different books. You could just show pulling out a book, keep arranging the books and the other bags that they have. They have different items that they keep on their stores these days. So all those items. 


It’s beautiful. 


Maybe gifting items, that’s one industry. Brands like home center, you know, where you have so many beautiful looking things which you might, might not use, but might also use for a gifting purpose. So all… 


Like when you mentioned AC, I was thinking like an AC brand because you obviously can’t be lifting out the AC from the box. Right. The remote exactly someone using the remote. And yeah, I guess then any industry counts like any product of any kind. 


Yeah, but without the remote. 



Yeah, any industry. And I think maybe, you know, even in the services bit, you could maybe say someone who teaches pottery can make use of your hands in terms of showing how you can make use of that, you know, clay and other things. Or maybe someone who… food photography, you know, that something that you can go into. And… 

Yeah, I think that when you think of it, you can actually just go wild. Any industry, any product, any service like maybe these urban company services, you know, Salon at Home and all these services, you need a hand model or a feet model to showcase the different services that they offer. So, yeah, I think that’s not limited just to products. 


yeah, yeah, I’m realizing more and more that anybody needs a hand model, yes. And I think that’s a good note to end that. Thank you, Kriti, so much for joining us. This was a very enlightening discussion for me. 





So thank you. It’s interesting that people want to know more. 


Now it’s fascinating and we will drop links in the description to your profile and to Mushyok also. Professional upcycling, big fan. The more we can do it, the better. Yes. Thanks for joining us and thank you all for tuning in and we will see you next time. 


definitely. Thank you. 


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